Wickedly Swank

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Later..Nah..This Shit Just Started..


Man...If looks could kill, you'd be dead..haha that one always got me laughin..

Well Freaks...This is my website..Chalf thinks it's hers too..but really it's not. Anyway. Dan 1-25-05   ..Most likely going to keep him for a while :)
hehe yeah. Most of the shit that I put on this site isn't going to make sense to anyone who looks at it. Some ppl that would..Hmm..Maybe Eric A, Angelina, Chalf.. All have the same type style of weirdness as me.. and if you don't have that weirdness style, thats alright. you'll just be confused..or am i making this more confusing then it really has to be?. hmm..oh well. Yes well Darling. Im out for now..Later Man..

Umm..Not Even

This Doesnt make any sense..


Lemme know how this site's workin out for ya..

I wanna remember to remember to forget you forgot me...